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More Historical Accuracy
Reviewing 'Is Genesis History?'
by Jake Hebert, Ph.D., and Brian Thomas, M.S.*
On Thursday, February 23, select movie theaters around the country presented a special...
Linguists Argue over Language Origins
Where on earth did humans first speak?
According to a 2011 study published in Science, evidence points to language beginning in Africa, which goes...
Can the Ussher Chronology Be Trusted?
Up until fairly recently, nearly all printings of the King James Bible included dates in the marginal notes which helped place Biblical events in their...
More Man Was Created Distinct from Apes
Human Genome 20th Anniversary…Junk DNA Hits the Trash
The first rough drafts of the human genome were reported in 2001 (one in the private sector and one in the public sector).1-2 Since then, after...
Gorilla Genome Is Bad News for Evolution
Evolutionists have long maintained that modern primate species (including, in their view, humans) are branches on an evolutionary tree that lead back...
Homo naledi: Claims of a Transitional Ape
Our first article on Homo naledi addressed questions about the anatomy and geologic setting of these fossils. Our second asked why these scientists...
More Circular Reasoning Behind Secular Ages
Questionable Dating of Bloody Mosquito Fossil
Researchers recently examined a spectacular mosquito fossil from the Kishenehn Formation, finding fresh blood—remnants of its last meal—still...
New Findings Challenge Secular Dating Models
Two recent news stories, one from the Carnegie Institute for Science1 and another from an issue of Nuclear Technology,2 shed light...
Mouse to Elephant Needs How Much Evolution?
How much time would evolution need in order to make a mouse the size of an elephant?
Since this kind of evolution supposedly occurs too slowly for...
More Back to Genesis
Marine Sponges Inspire
The oceans are alive with God’s diverse and amazing creatures. Scripture tells us “God created great whales, and every living creature that...
Building a Human Body: Jesus Christ's Amazing Engineering
When Charles Darwin formulated his theory of evolution, he appealed to the logic of ancestry, the evident diversity of species, and the magic of time....
Mount Hermon Was Flood-Formed
Mount Hermon is a topic that seems to pop up increasingly these days, especially among Christian prophecy and end-times teachers. Much of this interest...